41) Construct a sales letter headline like ‘ How To (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You can issue benefit lines in your ads like ‘ One dynamic/little used/sought after way… and How to manage/lower … ‘.
42) Formulate an email subject line like ‘ (product type, name, or benefit) With MRR/PRL! ‘. You might insert benefit phrases in your ads like ‘ A earth shaking/logical /sound way… and How to make/lose… ‘.
43) Set up a blog post header like ‘ Don’t Buy (product type, name, or benefit) Until (subject)! ‘. You could formulate benefit bullets in your ads like ‘ The easy/long lasting/specialized way… and How to maintain /limit… ‘.
44) Design an advertisement headline like ‘ Who Else Wants To (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You may forge benefit lines in your ads like ‘ (no.) efficient/lucky/spectacular ways… and How to locate/ignore… ‘.
45) Compile a forum post subject line like ‘ Discover (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You can establish benefit phrases in your ads like ‘ One effortless /lucrative/splendid way… and How to lengthen/ let go… ‘.
46) Prepare a banner ad headline like ‘ Attention! (type of person) (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You might draft benefit bullets in your ads like ‘ A electrifying/luxurious/stable way… and How to learn/ lessen… ‘.
47) Issue a sales video introduction like ‘ Dare To Be (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You could display benefit lines in your ads like ‘ The elusive /magical/startling way… and How to lead/ leave… ‘.
48) Forge a text link advertisement like ‘ Open Before (date): (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You may dispense benefit phrases in your ads like ‘ (no.) enhanced/magnetic/straightforward ways… and How to know /hold back… ‘.
49) Develop a website title line like ‘ Caution! (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You can dispatch benefit bullets in your ads like ‘ One enormous/magnificent/strong way… and How to intensify/ hinder… ‘.
50) Add an audio ad introduction like ‘ Learn To (product type, name, or benefit)! ‘. You might develop benefit lines in your ads like ‘ A enticing /major/stunning way… and How to inspire/hamper… ‘.